Hill Country Cats is dedicated to humane, effective reduction of the feral and free-roaming cat population in Burnet county through the proven method of Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR).
Hill Country Cat Control, Inc. (commonly known as Hill Country Cats or HCC) was founded in late 2006 as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit corporation, in response to an overwhelming feral cat population. The grassroots, volunteer-based organization consists of a board of directors, TNR team leaders, trappers, and many caregivers and colony managers. Since its founding, HCC has provided TNR for over 11,000 cats.
Why TNR?
Historically, local response to the feral cat population has been to eradicate, i.e. trap and kill them. But eradication is ineffective and costly. Applying local eradication statistics (approximately 1,500 per year in the two-county area) to the estimated feral population in Burnet and Llano counties, only about 3% of the feral cat population is eliminated, leaving the other 97% to continue reproducing freely – clearly an ineffective and inadequate control method. It is also costly, about twice the cost of TNR (see below) per animal, which is paid by taxpayers.
Hill Country Cats’ Trap/Neuter/Return program addresses the problem in a completely different, more effective, and significantly less costly way. Our program uses significantly discounted veterinary services, thousands of volunteer hours, and other contributions of goods, services, and funds to trap and sterilize feral cats and return them to their habitat. The average TNR cost is about $70-$100 per animal, less than half of the cost of eradication, and paid out of private funds. Most importantly, it substantially slows the cycle of reproduction.