An HCC volunteer tells about a huge TNR project with a happy outcome for both cats and humans. She writes:

“One of my clients happened to be at Walmart on a Saturday when we [HCC] were having one of our informational events. She and her husband live in the country where people often dump unwanted cats. Too kind-hearted to let the cats fend for themselves, the couple took them in, adding them to their own pets. Over time, they ended up with almost 50 felines to care for!

“This couple loved their cats, but couldn’t afford to take fifty of them to a vet to be fixed. So HCC stepped in. It took the couple and me 18 months to trap and spay or neuter all the cats, plus new ones that got dumped during that period. Now all the kitties are fixed and there will be no more babies. People like this couple love their animals, but they feel so helpless to take proper care of them, including spay/neuter, until they find out that help is available through HCC. As a volunteer, I’ve seen a lot of relieved looks when they realize there is a humane solution to their problem.”